Watch: The Children of the Caliphate [video]

Recent suicide bomber attacks are increasingly being reported as having been committed by children.

Improvised explosive device (IED) used in the July 2015 attacks in the border town of Suruc, the October 2015 bombing in Ankara, and the recent bombing in Gaziantep, were all reportedly committed by children. The most recent, officials report, was 12-years-old, according to Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdogan. He also remarked on television that the evidence collected by police and forensic specials points to ISIS.

And, Iraqi police recently arrested an 11-year-old boy who was wearing an explosive belt wrapped around his waist. He reportedly told them that ISIS terrorists abducted him and forced him to do this.

Sadly, ISIS controls an army of child jihadists referred to as “cubs of the caliphate.” ISIS first indoctrinates children, often using drugs to make them compliant.

ISIS is not alone, Iran has child soldiers.

As does the Palestinian terrorist organization primarily funded by Iran, Hamas. These child soldiers are called the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and for a short time, before they blow themselves up, live in the Gaza Strip bordering Israel.

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EASY MEAT: A Comprehensive Report of British Officials Covering Up Muslim Pedophile Rings FOR DECADES [video]

Peter McClaughlin exposes decades of illegal and irresponsible behavior of British government officials and British police who covered up the existence of rampant sex-trafficking of young white girls by mostly immigrant Muslim men.

Easy Meat, chronicles factual evidence of social workers, police officers, Muslim organizations, journalists, and even some Members of Parliament, who knew about Islamic grooming gangs for decades, and turned a blind-eye to the crime of pedophilia and sex-trafficking of young white British girls.

He proves that the problem is widespread– well beyond the one town of Rotherham, which made international news several years ago for its pedophile ring trafficking more than 1400 victims. But the same crime exists throughout the U.K. evidencing that “multi-culturalism” does not work.

McLoughlin spent several years uncovering as much information as possible to document these crimes– before the evidence disappeared– because it was, and is, disappearing.

McLoughlin exposes why these crimes were, and are continuing to be covered up– because of political correctness and the political pressure to silence potential whistle-blowers.

An updated 2016 version adds new data. McLaughlin is perhaps the only person to provide such a comprehensive and well documented list of grooming gangs in England and grooming gang statistics.

McLoughlin argues,

From the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century, the educated elite in Britain knew about Islam’s history of slave-taking in general, and about the preference of these Muslim slavers to have white women as sex-slaves. Thus there is no excuse throughout the past 3 decades of this grooming scandal for the educated elite to have been ignorant of the role sex-slavery plays in the history of Islam. With this knowledge, they should have understood what it meant nearly 30 years ago when Sikh men in the West Midlands were first undertaking vigilante justice to stop their girls from being lured into a life of sex-slavery by Muslim gangs.”

He also provides a video on his website that the gangs use to lure sex-trafficking victims:

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In Case You Missed It: August was “Muslim Appreciation & Awareness Month”

The California State Assembly passed HR 59, a resolution declaring that August, 2016 was: “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month.”

This is the first time any state has designated a calendar month to recognize Islamic ideology. Californians can thank state assemblyman Bill Quirk, D–Hayward, and everyone else who voted to pass the resolution.

But they aren’t thanking him. Quirk’s resolution (and tweet) was not well received:



The Daily Californian cites language from the resolution suggesting that:

“while most American Muslims ‘strive to promote peace and understanding’ and seek to uphold American values, they are nevertheless subjected to incidents of violence and vandalism.”

Of course the terrorist organization CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) weighed in, even having a press conference to push their Twitter campaign: #CanYouHearUsNow.

(Yes, the San Bernardino murders were loud and clear.)

Speaking of which, these two were nowhere to be seen at CAIR’s press conference:

san bernardino

This ludicrous resolution is exactly what is wrong with America. Its legislators don’t represent the people. Quirk is ignoring his constituency, as is every member who voted for this nonsense.

One month after the San Bernardino terrorist attack, 71 percent of California voters polled believe another Islamic terrorist attack is likely. Yet, their concerns were met by their elected officials designating one month to appreciate an ideology that has publicly stated its intent on destroying western civilization.

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Where Law & Justice Lose: Meet the Prejudicial Twin Falls Leaders Continuing to Protect Child Molesters, Not Their Disabled Female Prey

The Idaho government has recently publicized its policy of institutionalized protection of child molesters who prey on and teach others to abuse Down Syndrome (DS) children. Apparently, DS children and their parents aren’t believable. DS children make things up. They exaggerate. They don’t even understand what they are saying, and can’t talk like “normal people.”

Sexual abuse really isn’t sexual abuse because a DS child can’t prove she was assaulted, even when a perpetrator’s video recording does. Abuse isn’t abuse in Idaho especially when it’s a disabled female child or woman. (Sign the petition and help support her family.)

What happened on June 2 and August 8, 2016, evidence multiple crimes of varying levels of injustice.

First, is the actual sexual abuse of a five-year-old DS girl perpetrated by three boys (14, 10, and 7). They took her from where she playing outside of her apartment on a summer day to a laundry facility on the apartment complex property where they sexually assaulted her.

A neighbor found her with her clothes torn off, with three males who were also naked. The neighbor told the parents, who brought their daughter home and called the police. (This was such an important crime in the small town of Twin Falls that it took the police over two and a half hours to arrive.)

Next, it was discovered that the teenager recorded the assault on his phone. The 4 min. video shows him coaching the younger two on how to sexually assault the 5-year-old DS girl, by pinning her against the wall and urinating in her mouth.

Normally this would be a slam-dunk case, except it isn’t because the perpetrators are Muslim refugees from Sudan and Iraq receiving special privileges compared to non-Muslim refugees and U.S. citizens. Worse still, government officials have openly expressed hostility to the victim’s family, treating them as if they were criminals.

Second, before the police arrived, the burka-clad mother of one of the boys came to the victim’s apartment and demanded in broken English to the victim’s mother: “No police, everything ok.” Later, the victim’s mother reported that two Middle Eastern men threatened her– saying they would “come after her” if she legally pursued the case.

Third, residents expressed outrage at a Twin Falls City Council meeting, claiming that they had warned government officials last year that the secretive refugee resettlement program was deliberately importing criminal behavior into their community. (They also created a petition and a GoFundMe page to support the family.)

The most egregious facts of the case include: public officials actually remarking that DS girl’s claims and those of the three adult witnesses, and the video recording of the assault, didn’t reflect what happened (although they won’t state what did occur). 

They actually blamed the victim’s family and supportive community for “spreading lies.” Worse still, and unprecedented, is that the Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney for Idaho threatened to prosecute people in the town if they continued to discuss the crime in an unacceptable manner.

Twin Falls county prosecutor Grant Loebs said: “There was no gang-rape” and false claims were “being spread to incite anti-refugee sentiments.”

The U.S. Attorney took

the highly unusual step of intervening in a local criminal case … [by] threaten[ing] the community and media with federal prosecution if they ‘spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.'”

In response, Pamela Geller exclaimed: 

Have you ever heard of a federal prosecutor in any other sexual assault case threatening the public on behalf of the perpetrators?

“Clearly there is a cover-up going on, intended to keep Americans ignorant and complacent about the dangers of the migrant influx.”

Twin Falls, Idaho, isn’t communist China. Anyone can report the facts as a journalist or discuss and protest as a citizen. Freedom of the press, free speech, and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances are all protected by the First Amendment.

The act of public officials ignoring the law does not invalidate the law. The law is still the law.

Finally, the crime of August 8, 2016 evidences a pattern of Twin Falls officials and the media minimizing or denying the reality that Muslim refugees are committing specific hate crimes against females with disabilities.

This time, an adult man, Mohammed Hussein I. Eldai, was arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a vulnerable “developmentally delayed” woman. KMVT reported that according to court documents, Eldai: “admitted to touching and exposing himself to the victim with the intention of having intercourse with her. Officers placed him under arrest and transported him to the Twin Falls County Jail …”

This is the same man KMVT interviewed and promoted as a “moderate Muslim” after the June 14 Orlando Pulse night-club shooting. In a segment about the benevolent Twin Falls Muslim refugee community, Eldai said just weeks before committing his crime:

These bad people they do this stuff in the name of Islam, and Islam doesn’t say it like that. Now the picture of Islam is getting worse because, I don’t know. I… hope these people are going to give up.”

After the interview, Breitbart News called out the station’s dishonest reporting, after which the KMVT reporter labeled Breitbart “racist.” (Newsflash: neither Islamic ideology nor Muslims are a race.)

And the denial continued. The mayor refused an interview with Breitbart News about refugee-related crime, because he argued, its news coverage was “anti-Muslim.” (The logical conclusion being, he is only interested in speaking to the press to promote “pro-Muslim news,” not about the facts as his duty as mayor.)

These officials clearly have communicated their own willing participation in criminal negligence. According to Idaho law, rape, sexual abuse, and sexual battery were still illegal this summer. As were hate crimes, which are defined as “criminal offense committed against a person or property which is motivated in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race/national origin, religion, sexual-orientation, mental/physical disability or ethnicity.”

But hate crimes don’t occur in Twin Falls, Idaho. Just discrimination against mentally disabled females, who are targeted because of their mental and physical developmental deficiencies and gender.

The U.S. Attorney for Idaho and the Twin Falls county prosecutor appear to have broken several laws, violated their oaths of office, and participated in criminal negligence of hate crimes. They can be legally removed from office by the State’s office of the Inspector General, which is tasked with removing government officials who cover up and/or commit crimes. The U.S. Attorney can be prosecuted for violating federal law (5 U.S.C. 3331, 5 U.S.C. 7311, Executive Order 10450). They both can be disbarred and have several ethics charges filed against them.

House arrest of predators is not following the law. Not protecting vulnerable women and girls is a dereliction of sworn duty to uphold the law. But when the law’s up against justice in Idaho, they both lose.

To support the DS child’s family, sign the petition demanding justice and consider contributing to their GoFundMe account.

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German and Austrian Sexual Assault Prevention Flyers Aren’t Working. Wonder Why …

The Austrian government created a flyer (also used by Switzerland) to educate and prevent Muslim migrant men from sexually assaulting its women. But the flyers aren’t working.

In the latest string of sexual assaults, a “dark-skinned” young foreign man preyed on a 13-year-old Austrian girl at a pool in Mistelbach, Austria. Russia Today reported that he followed her into the women’s changing room and forced her to perform oral sex. She fiercely resisted and started shouting and he ran away.

One would think there would be security at the pool, and especially in the changing rooms. Somehow, a flyer, was supposed to prevent crime.

According to Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, witnesses who saw the man fleeing, in addition to the girl, identified him as a young “foreigner.” The police began looking for him in the eight asylum facilities and surrounding areas and the mayor of the town, Alfred Pohl, issued a temporary pool ban for migrants, stating, “This news was a shock.”

How is this news a shock? They put out a flyer to prevent it from happening.

Is it a shock that the flyer didn’t work?

The flyer, “Ground Rules” was designed to make clear what kind of behavior is acceptable in public (shaking hands, kissing, and praying) and what isn’t (punching women and children in the head, flying into a rage and slapping children).

The pictograms, or cartoons, were included, considering that migrants can’t read German.


The government tried to “focus on role models, and equality between men and women.”  The flyers were designed to show that,

“there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment. The motto is ‘If you come to us, abide by our rules.'”

Germany also distributed a comparable flyer, with the following explanations:

young girls feel harassed by demands such as asking for a cell phone number or Facebook contact, or marriage proposals

when nature calls we do exclusively on toilets, not in parks and gardens, and not on hedges and behind bushes.”

The anti-sexual-assault flyers aren’t working in Germany either.

But despite this failed attempt to prevent sexual assaults, what does the German government do? It created and distributed another flyer, hoping to educate “sexually frustrated” male migrants.

The updated leaflet depicts acceptable and unacceptable behavior:

Unacceptable: touching a woman’s behind (#12), trying to drown other swimmers (#4), pushing women into the pool (#3), jumping/diving onto a woman (#7).

Some towns rightly banned adult Muslim migrant men. Reuters reported that “a western German town has barred adult male asylum seekers from its public indoor swimming pool after receiving complaints that some women were sexually harassed there. … The deputy mayor of Bornheim … said … a difficult decision was taken to send a clear message that breaching German cultural norms was a red line that should not be crossed.

“This led to my decision that adult males from our asylum shelters may not enter the swimming pool until further notice.”

Here’s a suggestion for these governments: it’s called deportation and repatriation.

Send the men back to where they came from because they are not in Austria or Germany to become western or abide by western laws.

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A Reminder: Muhammad Ali Was Not a Great Man [video]

This former Muslim woman who escaped Somalia and became a Christian now living in Sweden, explains why the glorification of the former champion heavyweight boxer Muhammad Ali is offensive. It’s offensive to Christians, to black Africans and to women. And she’s right.

Muhammad Ali might have been a great fighter, but he was a man who beat his wife and “converted” to the ideology of slavery. By converting to Islam and renaming himself Muhammad, after the Islamic white man who owned black African slaves, he betrayed his own race. She argues that “Muhammad Ali is a traitor to the African people” because he took a slave owner’s name.

This woman explains the irony and tragedy of Cassius Clay, who she argues, sold his soul to Arab racists who took African, Indian, and primarily Christians as slaves for centuries. Indeed, the Islamic slave trade alone has sold more than 200 million people over the last 1400 years.  And it is still enslaving millions today.

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INSANITY: DHS Deletes Nearly 1,000 Potential Terrorists from Terrorist Database

Judicial Watch uncovered documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that evidence a “hands off list,” which essentially removed nearly 1,000 suspected individuals with ties to Islamic terrorist groups– specifically after the Boston Marathon bombing, which included the San Bernardino killers.

Obama’s priority was to ensure that the “civil rights of suspected terrorists” were protected by REMOVING them from the Terror Watch List and Terrorist Screening Database– instead of protecting U.S. citizens from threats both foreign and domestic.

Thanks to Senator Charles Grassley who released internal DHS emails, it became apparent that there was actually a “terrorist ‘hands off’ list” of individuals with potential links to terrorist groups already on U.S. soil– that law enforcement could not investigate. Congressional investigations and confirmation from a former Judicial Watch sued DHS on February, 2015, which resulted in the DHS releasing 183 pages of documents that evidence the “law enforcement agency” tasked with protecting Americans from terrorist threats– literally deleted data about 1,000 people from the “Terrorist Screening Database”– in order to protect “the civil rights of suspected Islamic terrorist groups.”
The “massive ‘hands off’ list” removed data from the terrorist watch list, which Judicial Watch argues, “could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terrorist attack.”
The lawsuit Judicial Watch filed (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-00222)) centered on:
  1. A copy of the [Department of Homeland Security] Office of Inspector General report regarding, concerning, or related to a “hands off list” purportedly maintained by [Department of Homeland Security], US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and/or US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) used to allow certain individuals to enter the United States, who had previously been denied entry to the United States or been made to undergo secondary screening by CBP based on suspicion of terrorism ties.
  1. Any and all records of communication to or from [Department of Homeland Security] Inspector General Charles Edwards from May 31, 2014 regarding the aforementioned OIG report.
Worse still– a September 25, 2013 DHS Inspector General memorandum reveals that the DHS Privacy Office and DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties “determined that individuals could only be ‘watchlisted’ based on an association with a known or suspected terrorist already ‘watchlisted’… not based on their affiliation with [REDACTED] (or any other [REDACTED] organization.”
The Inspector General’s report reveals that DHS was “forced to ‘modify’ nearly 1,000 terror suspect entries.”
Grassley’s released emails indicated that an unnamed individual, believed to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and close associate of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, appeared to be on this list.
In a letter Grassley quoted an email exchange between an Immigration and Customs Enforcement official and a Customs and Border Protection official:
I’m puzzled how someone could be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, be an associate of [Redacted], say that the US is staging car bombings in Iraq and that [it] is ok for men to beat their wives, question who was behind the 9/11 attacks, and be afforded the luxury of a visitor visa and de-watchlisted.”

This comes of course, after the previous DHS IG left his post after numerous allegations of altering reports to avoid embarrassment for Obama.

According to Breitbart News, after the San Bernardino terrorist attack, entries “regarding suspicious and terror-related activity were removed from an agency watch list as the result of political pressure after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.”
They came into the National Targeting Center, either physically or through emails and correspondence, and said that we could not develop cases based on association with Tablighi Jamaat [a Muslim religious organization with which the San Bernardino terrorists were reportedly affiliated], and/or any Islamic group.”
One heroic whistle blower of the DHS’s treasonous acts is retired DHS agent, Philip Haney, whose new book was released this year:
Is it any wonder, when the Muslim Brotherhood has been entrenched in the U.S. government for years?
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ASTOUNDING: Sweden’s Crushing Debt Pays for Nearly Half of All ‘Unaccompanied Minors’ Entering Europe

Sweden has received nearly half of all “unaccompanied minors” in Europe, which has pummeled its country into massive debt.

 writes for the Swedish newspaper, NyaTider, that Sweden has taken in 40 percent of every asylum seeker entering Europe. It has the largest number of “unaccompanied minors” who are young men from Afghanistan between the ages of 15 and 17-years-old.

In 2015, Sweden imported roughly 35,000 “unaccompanied minors” who are young men from Afghanistan and claim who claimed they are orphans.

The influx of these healthy, able bodies men, surely capable of fighting ISIS, has drained entire villages in Afghanistan that now have zero young men living there between the ages of 15 and 17. It has also drained Sweden’s budget, initially allocated to support social services for its citizens, including police, healthcare, and pension schemes.

Entire municipalities are trapped in debt, forcing them to reduce compensation to contractors originally designed to temporarily house migrants– which reduces their incentive to house them. Worse still– the large number of young men have burdened social services and police supervision.

The area most affected is Uppsala, where every third boy is an “unaccompanied minor” asylum seeker. Every sixth person there is between the age of 15 and 17 years old who are also “unaccompanied minors.”

According to the Swedish Migration Board, Svensson points out that roughly half of the unaccompanied minors said they first lived in Iran for several years before coming to Sweden.

Why didn’t these young Afghani Muslim men stay in Iran? What was the need to leave an Islamic country and go to Sweden?

Why should the Swedish have to take on the financial burden of young men who could work and provide for their siblings and other relatives?

Why did these teenage boys leave their family members behind? If they are in such dire straits, how is it that they are wearing sunglasses and fashionable western clothes, smiling as if they have no care in the world?

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The Devil’s Campaign of Whispers: How Much Has Been Accomplished in 2016 America? [video]

In 1965 news commentator Paul Harvey opined about what the world would like if he was the devil. The recorded audio was revised in 1996, which was edited and posted online in the clip below.

In order to rule the world, he says, he’d have to first take over America.

To do that, the first thing he would have to accomplish would be to take over the church through a campaign of “whispers.”

This includes using authors and television to eradicate morality; peddling narcotics to anyone, and tranquilizing the rest with pills; increasing pedophilia and pornography within the church and normalizing both at all levels of society.

It also involves initiating conflict at every level of society so that families are at war with each other, churches are at war with each other, countries, and eventually everyone is at war with themselves. Then use the “mesmerizing media” to fan the flames.

Pervert justice and have the prisons overflowing.

Evict God from the school house, the court house, and from the houses of Congress.

Substitute God with psychology in churches.

The list goes on, and it’s pretty damming in light of the state America is in right now.

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“Islamic Refugee” Arrested in New Mexico with U.S. Gas Pipeline Plans, and More

Judicial Watch has uncovered an “Islamic refugee” apprehended in New Mexico with copies of the region’s gas pipeline plans; an ISIS training camp 8 miles south of the Texas border; Mexican drug cartels smuggling ISIS fighters into the U.S.; and the Department of Homeland Security deliberately choosing not to document Middle Eastern men illegally entering Arizona carrying stainless steel cylinders.

In June of this year, Judicial Watch reported that police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman who had in her possession plans and documents of the region’s gas pipelines. Authorities officially denied its report.

Then, in July, despite ongoing denials, Judicial Watch’s reporting, was corroborated by Zack Taylor, the Chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.

The woman described herself as an “Islamic refugee.” After being pulled over for a traffic violation in Luna County, New Mexico, the deputy sheriff discovered that she had gas pipeline plans of the Deming region, 35 miles north of the Mexican border.

Deming is located in Luna County, which borders Mexico for 54 miles. The Sheriff’s office contacted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF), which then began an investigation.

How does an Islamic refugee have U.S. gas pipeline plans? With the help of Mexican drug cartels.

(Last year, a local publication listed Deming as the worst place to live on a “list of the ten worst places” to live in New Mexico. Its high unemployment, poverty level, ongoing crime, combined with a terrible public education system boosted Deming to the top of the list. Not to mention that Deming falls in what is known as “a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA),” according to the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center. Deming is a drug trafficking hub for large quantities of methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana smuggled in by Mexicans working for the Juárez and Sinaloa cartels.)

Cartels are smuggling in more than drugs. They’re also smuggling people, which include Islamic terrorists. Judicial Watch also uncovered earlier this year alarming details about cartels smuggling in foreigners to Texas from countries with terrorist links.

Not to mention the ISIS training camp in Mexico, roughly 8 miles from the Texas border.

Judicial Watch reported on Islamic terrorists based in Mexico being aided by Mexican cartels. And, one of the key ISIS trainers is Kuwaiti Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir. Judicial Watch reports that Khabir “is an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year.”

Khabir is still training thousands of men—mostly Syrians and Yemenis—to fight and prepare to attack Americans. In a European newspaper he bragged about “how easy it is to stake out American targets because the border region is wide open.” Of course Washington turns a blind eye to this clear and present danger.

Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretary, Claudia Ruiz, has expressed that she befuddled as to why Obama and the U.S. media are “culpably neglecting this phenomenon.” She attests: “this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States.”

Last year, Judicial Watch exposed the apprehension of five young Middle Eastern men in an Arizona town roughly 30 miles north of the Mexican border. Two of the men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, which alarmed the agents enough to contact the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), after which numerous federal agents appeared. The FBI reportedly took into custody two of these men. Only three were entered into the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system; two were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is just never done.

One veteran federal law enforcement agent told Judicial Watch: “In all my years I’ve never seen that before.”

But then again, who ever thought Islamic terrorists could so easily cross the border and have copies of pipeline plans. She certainly didn’t have them to apply for a gas pipeline job. And what need do Middle Eastern men have with stainless steel cylinders? And why would ISIS be training in Mexico?

These questions remain unanswered and unaddressed in Washington.

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