Monthly Archives: June 2016
Huckabee and American Ministers Invigorated by the Power of the Cross in Poland, Seek to Harness that Power in America
A common theme arose throughout Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Journey with Christian leaders in Poland: The Power of the Cross. They heard first hand how Poland’s freedom from communist occupation was primarily possible because of Pope John Paul II. But equally important, was … Continue reading
Jews Most Targeted Victims of Hate Crimes in America, on College Campuses
In America more hate crimes are committed against Jews than all other groups combined, according to a most recent FBI analysis on hate crimes. Most disturbing is what this video documents: widespread hatred and violence committed against Jews on American college campuses … Continue reading
What is Real Christianity? Who are the People of the Cross?
It’s easy to understand why nearly all non-Christians, secularists, and the media misunderstand Christianity. Today words and their definitions are nearly meaningless because the same words are used to support particular, even opposite agendas. Relativism and proof-texting are the means … Continue reading
Another Lifestyle Choice: Legal Sex with Animals in America (Zoophilia)
Another lifestyle choice, zoophilia (sex with animals) is being propagated in America as “normal.” It is legal to have sex with non-human animals, like horses, cows, pigs, dogs, dolphins, or rabbits in Washington, D.C., Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Hampshire, New … Continue reading
Iran’s Heritage: Persians Were First to Advocate Human Rights for Jews, Among First Christians
Iran (the modern name for Persia) represents one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Its land and people are inextricably linked to critical biblical historical events and prophecy. Despite decades of disastrous American foreign policy that has all … Continue reading
Why I Don’t Trust Carly and Neither Should You
Two weeks after 9/11, on September 26, 2001, Carly Fiorina gave a speech, “Technology, Business and Our Way of Life: What’s Next,” in which she tied courage, leadership, heroes, and “the questions of life and death” to business leaders learning from one … Continue reading
Thank You Michele Bachmann for Educating MSNBC/NBC about Carly and Islam
Recently MSNBC and NBC News highlighted former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s tweet pointing to the fact that two weeks after 9/11 Carly Fiorina gave a speech in which she nearly entirely praised Islam. (Her remarks contained numerous errors and omissions of facts. One primarily being that more than … Continue reading
Franklin Graham Leaves GOP, Question is Why Aren’t Other Christians?
Franklin Graham recently announced his renunciation of any previous affiliation with the Republican Party after 387 members of Congress treasonously voted for a bill that not only funds terrorism abroad, but also at home. Franklin Graham expressed that he cannot … Continue reading
The Original Christian Zodiac
This is the first in a 13- part series entitled, “God’s Zodiac: The Gospel in the Stars.” What if everything you were ever taught or believed about astronomy, horoscopes, and the Zodiac were false? What if the original Zodiac was … Continue reading