Monthly Archives: January 2017
49 Years After MLK Christian Pastors Call For Arms: Guns & Prayer Are Necessary
One genuine news story ignored by nearly all media this past Christmas was the slaughter of over 100 mostly Christian Nigerians– and– the razing of 50,000 homes, the destruction of thousands of acres of farmland, and the displacement of roughly … Continue reading
SILENCE: An Incredible Story of Martyrdom & Faith
“Do we have this kind of faith in America?” Academy Award-Winning Director Martin Scorsese asks when discussing his faith and the faith of the characters in his most recent film, Silence, released on December 23, 2016. The film is based … Continue reading
January: New Life From Death The Promise of Capricorn
As Joseph Augustus Seiss explains in his seminal work, The Gospel in the Stars, the twelve signs of the Solar Zodiac are divided into three groups with each group having a specific focus. The first group (Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and … Continue reading