Watch: The Children of the Caliphate [video]

Recent suicide bomber attacks are increasingly being reported as having been committed by children.

Improvised explosive device (IED) used in the July 2015 attacks in the border town of Suruc, the October 2015 bombing in Ankara, and the recent bombing in Gaziantep, were all reportedly committed by children. The most recent, officials report, was 12-years-old, according to Turkey’s president Tayyip Erdogan. He also remarked on television that the evidence collected by police and forensic specials points to ISIS.

And, Iraqi police recently arrested an 11-year-old boy who was wearing an explosive belt wrapped around his waist. He reportedly told them that ISIS terrorists abducted him and forced him to do this.

Sadly, ISIS controls an army of child jihadists referred to as “cubs of the caliphate.” ISIS first indoctrinates children, often using drugs to make them compliant.

ISIS is not alone, Iran has child soldiers.

As does the Palestinian terrorist organization primarily funded by Iran, Hamas. These child soldiers are called the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and for a short time, before they blow themselves up, live in the Gaza Strip bordering Israel.

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