Tag Archives: pedophilia
EASY MEAT: A Comprehensive Report of British Officials Covering Up Muslim Pedophile Rings FOR DECADES [video]
Peter McClaughlin exposes decades of illegal and irresponsible behavior of British government officials and British police who covered up the existence of rampant sex-trafficking of young white girls by mostly immigrant Muslim men. Easy Meat, chronicles factual evidence of social workers, police … Continue reading
The Devil’s Campaign of Whispers: How Much Has Been Accomplished in 2016 America? [video]
In 1965 news commentator Paul Harvey opined about what the world would like if he was the devil. The recorded audio was revised in 1996, which was edited and posted online in the clip below. In order to rule the … Continue reading
Supreme Leader of Iran Says Sexual Contact With Girls and Babies Is ‘Permitted’ [video]
Followers of Muhammad’s actions and instructions hold an entirely different view about marriage, and women, than any other group of people in the world. Muhammad did everything he specifically permits in the Qur’an, which is why the following behavior is advocated in … Continue reading
Gone Girls: Sewn up and Spit Out, 9 Year-old Girl Commodities
Girls between ages 1-9 are kidnapped, sold, and bought at slave bazaars then married and remarried throughout Islamic-controlled areas. While ISIS may be orchestrating most of the child sex trafficking and condones institutionalized violence against women as a “righteous act,” … Continue reading