Monthly Archives: January 2018
Ex-Muslims Challenge Pope Francis on Islam
Ex-Muslims, who are now Christians, recently challenged Pope Francis in an open letter about his remarks on Islam. They also asked the pope if they should return to Islam and deny their Christian faith based on his remarks. In their letter, … Continue reading
GROSS: Amazon and Microsoft Employees Involved in Sex-Trafficking
On the heels of Silicon Valley opposing congressional legislation to clamp down on sex-trafficking, and the controversy of Google’s cultural of sexism, it turns out that two giant technology companies are involved in sex-trafficking after-all: Microsoft and Amazon. According to a recent … Continue reading
This is What It Looks Like to Celebrate Christmas Hiding in Saudi Arabia
It is illegal to celebrate Christmas in Saudi Arabia. It is illegal to build or have any building that resembles a church. It is illegal to wear any jewelry or clothes that have any Christian connotation, like a cross, dove, … Continue reading