Category Archives: Renegade Talk Radio
Racism in America isn’t “Racism” but Something Strange is Going on …
Born with the wrong skin color; a white woman says she is black and her white biological parents aren’t her parents. Rachel Dolezal, a white woman was outed for pretending to be a black woman who became the Spokane WA … Continue reading
Gone Girls: Sewn up and Spite Out, 9 Year-old Girl Commodities
Girls between ages 1-9 are kidnapped, sold, and bought at slave bazaars then married and remarried throughout Islamic-controlled areas. Less expensive than livestock, “sabaya” (girl sex slaves) are worth less than $200. While ISIS may be orchestrating most of the … Continue reading
Why I Don’t Trust Carly and Neither Should You
Two weeks after 9/11, on September 26, 2001, Carly Fiorina gave a speech, “Technology, Business and Our Way of Life: What’s Next,” in which she tied courage, leadership, heroes, and “the questions of life and death” to business leaders learning from one … Continue reading
Thank You Michele Bachmann for Educating MSNBC/NBC about Carly and Islam
Recently MSNBC and NBC News highlighted former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s tweet pointing to the fact that two weeks after 9/11 Carly Fiorina gave a speech in which she nearly entirely praised Islam. (Her remarks contained numerous errors and omissions of facts. One primarily being that more than … Continue reading
Conservative’s Filthy Language About Donald Trump ASTOUNDS [WARNING: Offensive Language]
Most conservative pundits have been criticizing GOP front-runner Donald Trump for his foul language, or “offensive” demeanor. It’s no secret that Trump can be “equally offensive” to both Republicans and Democrats. However, what isn’t being reported by mostly everyone is … Continue reading