Huckabee’s Right: Americans Have an Election, Not a Selection [video]

Former Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee urges Republicans to unite, not divide, as Sen. Mitch McConnell has done.

Following Super Tuesday’s outcome with Donald Trump winning seven states and 319 delegates, to Sen. Ted Cruz’s three states and 226 delegates, to Sen. Marco Rubio’s one state and 110 delegates, Huckabee argues Republicans should unite behind Donald Trump if his winning streak continues.

He said, if the Republican leadership is going to fight against its two leading candidates, then it should just select a candidate and end the primary process. He repeated on Fox News, “We have an election, not a selection.”

It’s not the Republican Establishment’s job to decide who the nominee is, it’s the voter’s decision. “Voters are angry,” he remarks. “The problem is the Republican Party.”

Huckabee also weighed in on the evangelical vote.

March 2, 2016

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