Tag Archives: hate crimes
Jews Most Targeted Victims of Hate Crimes in America, on College Campuses
In America more hate crimes are committed against Jews than all other groups combined, according to a most recent FBI analysis on hate crimes. Most disturbing is what this video documents: widespread hatred and violence committed against Jews on American college campuses … Continue reading
Thank You Michele Bachmann for Educating MSNBC/NBC about Carly and Islam
Recently MSNBC and NBC News highlighted former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s tweet pointing to the fact that two weeks after 9/11 Carly Fiorina gave a speech in which she nearly entirely praised Islam. (Her remarks contained numerous errors and omissions of facts. One primarily being that more than … Continue reading
Hate Speech is not Protected Speech
Hate speech is not “free speech” and is not protected by the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Constitution protects victims from those who commit hate crimes, which includes hate speech. Under U.S. law, hate crimes involve: Offenses involving actual or … Continue reading