Author Archives: EditorBB
This is What It Looks Like to Celebrate Christmas Hiding in Saudi Arabia
It is illegal to celebrate Christmas in Saudi Arabia. It is illegal to build or have any building that resembles a church. It is illegal to wear any jewelry or clothes that have any Christian connotation, like a cross, dove, … Continue reading
Martin Luther’s Response to the Pope and Charles V: Sola Scriptura
For many, many centuries, the Roman Catholic Church was the political and religious authoritative head of the Holy Roman Empire. Marriages and national alliances could not be forged without the Pope’s consent. The Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church … Continue reading
The Monk Who Stood Against an Empire and Changed the World [video]
One man, Martin Luther, stood alone against an empire. His motivation was spiritual, but the outcome of his conviction was spiritual and political, leaving a global legacy 500 years later and celebrated this October 31st. The Holy Roman Church ruled … Continue reading
Most Americans Can’t Travel to Muslim Majority Countries
Americans, Atheists, Christians, Jews, & Israelis Can’t Enter (or Leave) These Countries Safely, If At All With all of the misinformation and confusion about the temporary travel ban, Americans should keep in mind that there are over three dozen countries … Continue reading
49 Years After MLK Christian Pastors Call For Arms: Guns & Prayer Are Necessary
One genuine news story ignored by nearly all media this past Christmas was the slaughter of over 100 mostly Christian Nigerians– and– the razing of 50,000 homes, the destruction of thousands of acres of farmland, and the displacement of roughly … Continue reading
SILENCE: An Incredible Story of Martyrdom & Faith
“Do we have this kind of faith in America?” Academy Award-Winning Director Martin Scorsese asks when discussing his faith and the faith of the characters in his most recent film, Silence, released on December 23, 2016. The film is based … Continue reading
January: New Life From Death The Promise of Capricorn
As Joseph Augustus Seiss explains in his seminal work, The Gospel in the Stars, the twelve signs of the Solar Zodiac are divided into three groups with each group having a specific focus. The first group (Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and … Continue reading
Andy Stanley’s Claims About Bible, Virgin Birth, Not So Different From Islam
Believe it or not, the buffoonery and erroneous teachings advanced over the past few years by self-ascribed evangelical leaders, was surpassed this Christmas by Andy Stanley, founder of North Point Ministries, and son of renowned evangelist, Charles Stanley. No stranger to controversy, Andy … Continue reading
More Than 3 Million Christians In Iran & Counting Despite Persecution
According to CBN News, in 1994 there were roughly 100,000 Iranians who professed their faith in and commit to follow Jesus Christ. But now there are 3 million believers– a number that keeps growing because of persecution. CBN News Middle East … Continue reading
A Message From the Heartland: Trump Kept His Promise to One Pastor to Help Free Pastor Saeed
Pastor Terry Amann of Des Moines, Iowa, is no stranger to politics. He’s been involved in politics and pro-life activism for decades. Most recently, he was a formidable influence in the last three presidential races. One Iowa State Senator just last week remarked … Continue reading