Categories: Rescuing the Republic

Another Lifestyle Choice: Legal Sex with Animals in America (Zoophilia)

Copyright Imgur

Another lifestyle choice, zoophilia (sex with animals) is being propagated in America as “normal.”

It is legal to have sex with non-human animals, like horses, cows, pigs, dogs, dolphins, or rabbits in Washington, D.C., Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Known as bestiality, zoophilia is illegal in all other states, considered either a misdemeanor or felony. In some states bestiality is defined as “cruelty to animals;” in others a “deviant sexual act,” “a detestable, abominable crime against nature.”

Zoophiles like Malcolm Brenner argue relationships with animals, like he had with Dolly, a bottle nose dolphin, should be as normal as those in interracial relationships.

ZETA, in Germany, argues zoophilia is a legal right and lifestyle choice. Is zoophilia a sexual orientation and do people have the right to such a lifestyle choice?


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