The Boy Scouts Should Have Seen It Coming: The Gay Agenda Certainly Did

Sixty percent of the 1,400 voting members of the Boy Scouts voted to allow openly gay members, but not leaders yesterday, in a predictable change to the 103 year-old civic organization. What are the possible outcomes? Litagation? Most likely. Defections? Definitely. The response by faith groups who are the most vested with the Scouts-the Catholic Church, the United Methodist Church, and the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints (Mormons)- remains varied.

More telling is that seventy percent of those who operate Scouting units are faith-based organizations that will most likely not be able to host the Scouts in the future because the language in the resolution prohibits them from being who they are-organizations that hold religious beliefs.

These groups will no longer be able to “give definite attention to religious life” because if they did they would violate the injunction not “to promote or advance any social … position or agenda.” Any orthodox Christian organization that adheres to Biblical definitions of marriage, family, and sexuality will no longer be able to teach their beliefs because the Scouts position now defines a religious belief as a prohibited “social position.”

The adopted Membership Standards Resolution states that “youth are still developing, learning about themselves and who they are, developing their sense of right and wrong, and understanding their duty to God to live a moral life.” Yet at the same time, when young boys are making moral decisions that will shape their future, religious beliefs cannot inform them.

The problem with this of course is that the 3 percent of homosexuals in the country have initiated a several decades long campaign to infiltrate social, civic, public, and private institutions to change legal terms and redefine over two millennia of religious and societal norms. And it has worked, as the attitudes among Americans about homosexuality have changed.

Although the homosexual agenda began much earlier in the 1960’s and ’70s, an aggressive marketing campaign began in 1990 by two Harvard-educated intellectuals, one of whom worked in advertising on Madison Ave. in New York. Gay activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen wrote, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s, to change the language about homosexuality that has since permeated almost every area of society. Their key six points were to:

  1. “Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.” Check.
  2. “Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.” Check.
  3. “Give homosexual protectors a just cause.” Check.
  4. “Make gays look good.” Check.
  5. “Make the victimizers look bad.” Check.
  6. “Get funds from corporate America.” Check.

In most areas of society Kirk and Madsen affected these six goals masterfully-in public schools, the courts, and private institutions, organization, and companies.

Homosexuals don’t solely want tolerance, right to privacy or protection from wrong, they want their lifestyle affirmed as a socially and legally acceptable norm.

As Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. said nearly ten years ago, Christianity

represents the greatest obstacle to the normalization of homosexual behavior… In order to counter this obstacle, Kirk and Madsen advised gays to ‘use talk to muddy the moral waters, that is, to undercut the rationalizations that ‘justify’ religious bigotry and to jam some of its psychic rewards.’ How can this be done? ‘This entails publicizing support by moderate churches and raising serious theological objections to conservative biblical teachings.'”

Those lobbying the Scouts to change their policy on homosexuality knew the best way to do that was to do so internally, to change the rules that would in essence, eliminate the involvement of faith-based organizations.

The problem is that Christians were asleep at the wheel and didn’t see it coming, but the gays certainly did. They’d been planning it for quite some time.

May 24, 2013

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